Here ye! Here ye! Today is the birthday of one of our beloved, resident goofballs, Lateesha! Lateesha is one of our assistants, and celebrating her is easy because she brings us so much joy.
Lateesha has always been surrounded by amazing women (obviously, here at Nudera Orthodontics is no exception). She has two sisters and a mom who she calls her inspiration. She also has a brand new niece (born in January), so she’ll never be lacking in girl power ?? ?? – and we love how she celebrates the women around her. Maybe that’s why celebrating her is so easy!
We think she deserves at least a tray of donuts and a trip to White Pearl for her favorite egg rolls (but nothing that will get caught her braces!). She deserves a trip to Italy and a party blaring “No Diggity.” Most of all, we hope this is the best birthday she’s had since she was a little girl watching SpongeBob Squarepants.
Happy Birthday to Lateesha!